Inspired by the events that have taken place surrounding the Kony 2012 phenomenon, online video game streamer Chiren aka Athene from AtheneLive has kicked off a campaign as part of an experiment to raise awareness.
While the Kony movement did receive a major backlash because of the countless people who were enthusiastic about supporting without doing the proper research, Chiren was fascinated by the fact that so many people had come together in such a short amount of time to aid the powerless. Because of this, he believes the internet has become sceptical when confronted with charities, which is why he launched the project together with
Instead of starting his own fundraiser nobody would trust, Chiren looked up various organisations which have been proven to be effective. He finally decided to chose Save The Children’s work in the Horn of Africa, a cause which he believes hasn’t seen much coverage although it is in dire need of support.
The way information spreads, moreover how charities can function, has changed, which is why ShareCraft is supposed to adapt to the means of the internet. Joining the project to raise money for Save the Children is simple, users can donate directly to the cause or, this is where the social aspect comes into play, they can start their own sub-fundraisers that flow into the total amount collected money. Sub-fundraisers are supposed to promote sharing via Twitter, Facebook etc. so that anybody can be a part of the movement instead of having a faceless organisation running the entire affair.
Running your own mini charity also puts you on a leaderboard, where the total amount of funds collected will help you rise to the top and give you a better chance to receive one of the offered prizes. At the moment various gaming gear by Razer is being given away to winners.
“The goal of this experiment is to set an example and show that we have come to a time we our drive to share things is the only thing required to bring change,” Chiren said in his . “I can’t raise a million dollars by myself, but together we can set an example.”
AtheneLive will be holding live streams from 7-11PM CET through the entirety of the event which is running from March 25 to July 3.