Tattoos are a permanent piece that you should only get done if you feel it has significance, meaning or that it’ll look god-damned cool.
Here we have listed some of the greatest gaming tattoos that people have posted online. Some are sexy, some are artistic and some are just downright geeky.
That said these are some of the best game related tattoos that we’ve seen out there!
Mario Sleeve:
There are a massive set of really good game themed sleeves out there. Covering your whole arm in ink is a big statement to make.
While there are a lot of gamer sleeves out there with ridiculous amounts of detail this one was our favourite.
That and he probably wont have to pay too much to get the thing touched up a few years down too.
Shoryuken inputs:a
The simple idea of this tattoo is great. Keeping the whole thing simple and in just black makes sure that nothing goes horrendously wrong here. This guy also has the added plus that he will never forget how to do a shoryuken ever again. Maybe this is just the start of a Memento style personal tattoo manual for Street Fighter…

Whoever spent the time to draw this bad boy on someone’s skin has some mad skills. The tattoo itself looks like it has been ripped straight from the box-art.
Retro Love:
Now this is one work of love. Here someone has painstakingly created their own montage of game on their own back.
There’s a ton of characters in here including Donkey Kong, Mrs PacMan, Sonic and Link. This is a bit OTT for my liking, but hey, you’ve gotta respect the time and effort in making this happen.
Girl’s Zelda ass tattoo:
Let’s not lie, this is probably the only reason you are bothering to look at this post. The phrase ‘Dat ass’ comes to mind when looking at this photo, so I don’t blame you. Sure, half of you out there probably didn’t notice that the lovely lady had any tattoo at all, but gaze up a few inches and you’ll see it.
That doesn’t mean that (once you spot it) the Zelda tattoo is bad at all. The lifebar/hearts and triforce are simple and neat designs that work well together.
Man’s Pacman ass tattoo:
Ok, we aren’t sexist here on Xbigygames. We like to give our female readers something to gaze at too.
Unfortunately when looking for gaming tattoos the average man looked like he’d just crept out of his WoW fortress and hadn’t shaved in a few months.
Still this is a nice design. Simple, clear and um insightful. Why draw a Pacman maze on your ass. Well why the hell not!
The ‘privates’ tattoo:
This one made me laugh the most out of the whole bunch. The image of a pipe coming from a ladies ‘special area’ should put a smile on any gamers face.
Unfortunately I have been informed that the tattoo may not be legitimate. Due to the area and how it looks on closer inspection (we’ve spent a good amount of time studying this one) we’ve been led to believe this one is a temporary tattoo or body art.
Oh well, it gives a whole new meaning to Mario coming down pipes (sorry, couldn’t resist). We always knew there was a good reason why this guy was a plumber.
I am looking into a tottao apprenticeship and I am looking into shops around my area. There is a person in my area that does tottaos out of his home instead of having his own shop. Just wondering if it would be ok if did an apprenticeship with him or should I stick to going to a tottao shop for it. I am concerned if that when I get done and on my own with it if it would hurt my chances of getting hired as a tottao artist elsewhere if i learned from a man that has a tottao business out if his home. I wonder if it would look better if i went to a shop and did the apprenticeship. I currently researching tottao apprenticeships and this question came up and i am not sure about this. I want to do what it best. So if anyone can please help me with this question i thank you. If anyone needs more information about this to answer this question just ask i will happily give you more information.
sit down with the artist, apprentice or not, and check out his work, his style and personality, then go with the person you feel comfortable with. its like if you’d have to pick your favourite artist, others might think one guy’s great while you can’t stand it, so just schedule some appointments and see for yourself
I kinda like these game tattoo designs thou, If I would get one I get Modern Warfare character.