It seems that Diablo 3 may be delayed again if the latest blog release from Game Director Jay Wilson is correct. Wilson also suggested that the game may be significantly different from the beta released earlier in the year.
On the Diablo 3 blog, Wilson describes some of the issues Diablo 3 faces : “In addition to finishing and polishing the content of the game we’re continuing to iterate on some of the core game systems.”
“We’re changing some of the systems we’ve gotten the most feedback on both internally and from the beta test, including crafting, items, core attributes, and inventory.”
“In addition we’re working on major changes to the skill and rune systems that we’re not ready to talk about, but I promise you we can’t possibly ship without a finished skill and rune system.”
The full details can be found at the Diablo 3 blog, but the biggest changes involve a revamped character attribute setup: the Defence, Attack and Precision stats are gone and replaced by core stats of Strength, Dexterity, Intellect and Vitality.
“This change makes the stats more intuitive and fixes some of the itemization issues we were running into,” says Wilson.
“Our hope is that by embracing our iterative design process in which we question ourselves and our decisions, Diablo 3 won’t just live up to our expectations, but will continue to do so a decade after it’s released.”
Diablo 3 is looking amazing but we wouldn’t be suprised if it was delayed again. We’ll start to get excited when the game gets an official release date.