Hooked Gamers have released a lengthy fifteen minute video of Double Dragon: Neon from. The gameplay comes from this year’s E3 Expo where they were lucky enough to have a go with the new PSN and XBLA title.
Double Dragon: Neon has updated many of the old levels from the 90′s titles and has added new ones, to create a game with 10 stages, ranging from the city streets to the Moon. Neon retains a lot of what made the original series so exciting, including where your kidnapped girlfriend.
Players are now able to high-five and chest bump one another to help combat foes, and exchange some life. A nice little addition is the option too psyche out a teammate, moving your hand at the last minute and creating a little bit more rivalry between the two of you.
New super powers have been put into the game too, with one player throwing out a fireball. More abilities are promised and these will be upgradeable.
Double Dragon: Neon will be released onto PSN and XBLA this Summer.