Get buttons for your iPhone with the iCade accesory


We like the idea of a clip on accessory. Most controls are fine for touch screen, but some games could see major improvement with the additional controller option. We understand the games on iPhones are made for specifically for touch controls, but using a blend of touch and button controls could see smartphones start to rival handhelds such as the Nintendo 3DS.

The iPhone accessory doesn’t come cheap though. Prices are currently set at £50, or $80 if you live in America.

To make matters worse the unit looks a little too ‘plastic’ and light for my liking. The D-Pad also looks like it has been ripped from old 3-rd party  PS2 controllers. Let’s be honest, the thing looks pretty ugly and cheap, although we could be completely wrong here. We’ll give you our thoughts if we get our hands on  ‘iCade Mobile’.

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