In anticipation of the new instalment of the Max Payne series, Rockstar Games is holding a contest to giving away a grand prize which comes in a threefold.
The first part is a trip to New York City where you and a guest will have three days in Max’s hometown to enjoy the metropolis and get an “extended pre-release gaming session of Max Payne 3″ a week before the game is released.
After that you travel as a VIP to Sao Paulo, one of the main showplaces in the new Max Payne, where you’ll get to stay for five days (guess the hotel prices were better than in NYC). Besides staying at one of the “hottest” hotels in the city you’ll get VIP passes to attend Sonar Sao Paulo, a music festival with the likenesses of artists such as Bjork and Justice.
Finally at the end of all this, you’ll get to walk home with a limited edition custom Max Payne 3 250GB Xbox360, a year long subscription of Xbox Live and 1,600 Microsoft points to spend.
Signing up for the contest is simple, simply head over to their page or sign up under your Rockstar Games Social Club account. Entry closes on April 9 and the winner will be announced some time in early April.