After posting a blog update last week on IGN that left Mass Effect fans quite unhappy, Jessica Chobot has issued an apology for her comments on the game’s ending.
The entry came in response to a post from last week in which she claimed she hadn’t finished the game yet and that she didn’t “want to know anything more about the [absolutely] RIDICULOUS whine fest that entitled gamers are having with Bioware”.
“You know what folks. You’re 100% right. I shouldn’t have mentioned anything about my feelings about ‘entitled gamers’ when it comes to the ME3 ending (and my work in progress with it),” she wrote before going on to explain how the backlash Bioware is receiving has left her “a little heartbroken”.
After ending her post with an “I’m sorry” the comments began spilling in leading to one of Chobot’s follow ups in which she claimed, “While I DO agree that gamers have a right [to] not enjoy the product and make their statements about it, I don’t agree in the aggressive and hurtful manner in which it has happened, and that includes me shooting off at the mouth.”
While a select few were satisfied with the way she handled the apology an unavoidable slew of comments broke out including personal attacks directed towards her and IGN. “Actually…. scrap that. Do us all a favor. Stick to looking pretty for the camera. Go lick an xbox or something, and stay the HELL out of the games themselves,” a user wrote.
“I did not “get” my job in the videogame industry for ‘licking a PSP’,” she claimed. “You show me one actress, Female TV personality, host of a show that doesn’t have ‘sexy’ photos. I mean, Tina Fey, who is OBVIOUSLY more than just a pretty face, has been on Esquire countless times, but you wouldn’t tell her she only got her job at SNL for that, would you? No, you wouldn’t.”
Chobot goes on to address the fact that the if players were unsatisfied with her character in Mass Effect 3, her presence on the Normandy was completely optional, and therefore could not have been simply “a pretty face” which was crowbarred into the game.
Certainly, it is welcomed that the popular IGN writer decided to take back her previous statement, however, a person in her position should have known better, than to attack a massively aggravated fanbase who is up in arms because of a games ending without even experiencing it.
Meh, gamers are the biggest bunch of butt hurt cry baby losers you will ever meet. I couldn’t give a damn if they don’t like a game, all they can do is result to personal attacks because they are a bunch of brain dead retards. I play the occasional game, but I would never call myself a gamer, the most shameful bunch of ignorant clowns you will ever meet.
I agree. Times sure have changed. Now fans can whine and complain and change the outcome of a game? What the hell is going on? How did it come to this? Imagine if we didn’t like the ending of SMB3 back in the day and complained about it until we forced Nintendo to change it. It’s absurd that this is what the industry as come too. Certain Gamers today are whiny little bitches. Who cry when they don’t get their way and even worse attack others who don’t agree with them. The saddest part are the developers who give in to these ludicris demands from fans.
wow nick you are a total loser must be a retard yourself you dont know anything about gamers nor do you have the right to say those things about us your a disgrace to society and why are you commenting on a gaming site if you supposidly dont like videogames
Nick: “gamers are the biggest bunch of butt hurt cry baby losers”
Nick: “all they can do is result to personal attacks”
Nick: “because they are a bunch of brain dead retards”
Nick: “I would never call myself a gamer”
Nick: “shameful bunch of ignorant clowns”
Nick who’s really the shameful ignorant clown?
Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. You just nerd raged, about people nerd raging. If you aren’t a gamer, then why are you on a gaming website? You my friend, are a gamer. If you have a cigarette only four times a week, you’re still a smoker.
Either way, Jessica is awesome, Sand Wars ftw!
Pot meet kettle.
She works for a game company that needs to keep the pubs/devs happy. They provide them with free games, promo gear, invites to showings for coverage and pay for ad space etc. Did anyone really think she was not going to defend EA/bioware especially just after they payed her and put her as a character in a major franchise game. She may feel diiferent in real life but as the face for ign and part of the game she can’t really come out and say how she may be feeling and how the gaming community genrally feel. Its obvious she is trying to back away from her comments and quite the horrah down while trying to keep face and her job.
Unfortunately I haven’t gotten around to playing ME3 yet, but I will say, that this has got to be the worst pic of Jessica Chobot I have ever seen. Was that intentional?
Yeah, okay, the ending wasn’t what anybody was expecting, and I understand being a little upset about it, but attacking people verbally isn’t the answer. Just remember everything before the damn ending that actually made the game. Sure, Random Planet #3 is still gonna be there waiting at the end, but the journey itself made the series for me.
Danica Patrick has had lots of bikini photos and EVERYONE takes her seriously! (HAHA, for those of you that couldn’t pick that up, i’m being sarcastic…no one takes her seriously because of it)
All the 15 YO boys have to accept that life doesn’t always work out like a disney movie…so why should all your games?
This whole thing upsets me. I feel so bad for all the crap she had to deal with. People are so ignorant, just because they don’t “like” something, they think they have a right to go around trolling and demanding things. #1. I hated the ending just as much as the rest but I never once took my anger out or criticized people like Jess. I thought her character was pretty cool, and she gave me a few extra points. Honestly this whole mass effect turned into a joke. People took it WAY too far and I’m sorry, they turned into a bunch of cry babies. I was all for the “add more content” but the way their- apparently “true fans” have been acting, don’t really deserve a damn thing. Criticism and threats to a company is damn right immature. Bioware doesn’t owe a thing to their fans, they created an awesome series and if “fans” can’t act mature and respectful enough to the company that’s worked hard. Then I don’t think they deserve anything. If Bioware TRULY didn’t put any effort the whole game would have sucked.
I really don’t think Jess should be apologizing to a bunch of trolls that have nothing better to do then sit behind a computer and act like an ass. Like anyone cares what they think. They’re just a paragraph on a stupid article/blog/whatever that only a few people in the whole world will read. Damn right pathetic. Well now that I voiced myself I’m out.