Love is in the air – Gaming’s top couples


It’s Valentine’s Day! That time of year where you realise you realise how long you’ve been single or how lucky you are that he/she has put up with you for so long. To celebrate this we’ve created a list of our favourite couples in gaming. As always, if you don’t feel the right people have been represented, let us know in the comments box below. Spread the love people.

*Spoilers for each game, read on at your own discretion.*

Ico and Yorda:

Activities: Avoiding shadow demons

These two may not have hooked up properly, but this was a relationship of innocence.  The two first met when Ico jumped on Yorda’s cage and saved her from a life of captivity. The two then set about escaping the labyrinth they are currently trapped in.

Despite the fact that the two share different languages love blossomed between the two. Ico’s only reason for life is to protect Yorda and lead her away from shadowy demon figures that haunt her. This is one of the strongest relationships on our list. 

Guybrush Threepwood and Elaine Marley

Activities: Fighting pirates and battling curses

This is one of the real odd-couples of the list. The two really don’t seem to go well together. Guybrush is a nice-guy with a heart of gold, but isn’t exactly a prize catch. Elaine on the other hand is a smokin’ pirate-chick  who can kick some serious ass. Elaine is the governor of the Tri-Island Area, a fictional group of pirate islands in the Caribbean. Even when Guybrush has tried to avoid Elaine their paths meet, maybe it’s just destiny.

The couple are constantly under threat from Le Chuck who is obsessed with Elaine. Despite the fact that he has died, the ghost refuses to let his emotion lay to rest and constantly haunts the damsel. Guybrush, despite his goofy idiocy, still manages to save Elaine every time and all in the name of love. Awwwwwww.


Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher

Activities: Treasure hunting and journalism

This duo are a couple who feel like they were ripped straight out of a Hollywood film.

The two have come up many adversaries including an ancient tribe of men pumped up on sacred tree sap that would make steroids look like vitamin pills. 


This isn’t to say that the couple have been going strong, they recently split and only managed to hook back up when their two worlds collided in Yemen.

The couple are married although there is no word on children (yet).

Jackie Estacado and Jenny

Activities: Lying in a coffin and fighting off demonic urges 

The two seemed to be a match made in heaven with Jenny keeping Jackie’s levels balanced. Madly in love with one another, everything was perfect until the Darkness infected Jackie.

Unfortunately the two were never able to stay together as the mob hit out against Jackie and his new powers with the Darkness, killing Jenny in front of Jackie.  This doomed relationship has spurred Jackie onwards seeking revenge and he still suffers from flashbacks of his beloved Jenny.


Naked Snake and Eva

Activities: Stopping global nuclear war, Codec sex

Snake and Eva were a match made in heaven. The two met while Naked Snake *spoilers* (now known as Big Boss) went on a mission to take down Volgin, an electrically charged mad-man. Oh and some guy called Major Ocelot was there too. 


Eva wormed her way into the enemies ranks and used her position in Groznyj Grad to supply Snake with information relating to Tselinoyarsk, helping him to gather intelligence on Shagohod. In fact the ending of MGS has Eva and Snake going head to head with the Shagohod on a motorbike. She isn’t just a pretty face then.

The couple even managed to properly hook up and got steamy in the jungle, raunchy. Oh yeah and there was loads of codec sex too (proof above).

Mario and Peach

Activities: Basketball, Baseball, Karting, Golf, Football, Board Games ect.

The original two halves maybe an odd couple and Mario may even have to stand on the Yellow pages for his kiss but I couldn’t leave this duo out of the list. The two first met when  Mario saved the princess from evil turtle-thing Bowser. This would unfortunately not be the first time the couple would meet this way and this instance has been played out repeatedly. 

Some have suggested that Peach may not be fully committed to the Italian plumber with rumours circulating that the Princess has indeed fallen for Bowser. Stockholm Syndrome or what! Many have attributed the fact that Princess Peach is kidnapped so often to her romantic link with Bowser. That said, Mario doesn’t seem to care and like a true gentleman always puts his woman first, saving her from the ‘evil’ Bowser.

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