Minecraft and Lego to join forces


Minecraft has always felt like Lego’s virtual counterpart, so it makes sense that the two giants team up. It seems that this could happen in the near future with Minecraft branded Lego blocks.

“Seeing Lego Minecraft sets is also our dream… Minecraft is about placing blocks to build anything you can imagine in the virtual world. You can build anything you imagine with Lego bricks in the physical world. Minecraft and Lego were meant to be together.

“We’ve invited a couple of the Lego fans behind the earlier Lego Minecraft projects, suparMacho and koalaexpert, to collaborate with us to shape the idea.

“As the official Mojang Lego Minecraft project, we will work with the Lego Group to secure a licensing agreement and donate the 1% royalty from Lego Cuusoo to charity.”

At least we’ll have some different blocks to painfully tread onto now.

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