Earth’s Special Forces is a Dragonball Z mod created by a team of dedicated developers, who have been working on its creation for over a decade. Needless to say, considering it has been based off of the Half-Life 1 engine, the effort that has gone into this project definitely shines through.
ESF features a unique fast paced style of gameplay “with a twist of strategy”. Besides basic hand to hand combat, players are given a slew of iconic Dragonball Z abilities such as for teleportation, flight and a power level management system which allows the use of special abilities like kame-hame-has or super saiyan transformations.
The mod includes nine different characters from the original Dragonball Z series, who have been tweaked to various combat preferences. “Some are meant to mainly use energy attacks, while others have the advantage in melee fights, no matter what style of fighting you like to use, ESF has a way to accommodate you,” the team writes.
Most impressive about the work on ESF are undoubtedly the visuals. What started out with the engine taken from the first Half-Life, the developers have definitely created something of their own, which simply has to be seen.
So if you own a copy of Half-Life (not Half-Life: Source), there’s no reason no to try out the beta.