A new video game controller prototype was developed by the engineers at the University of Utah that is supposed to enhance the vibration feedback players are commonly accustomed to.
By having the controller’s joysticks moving in different directions, the skin of the users thumb tips is stretched in a manner that helps simulate movement in a specific direction or pattern.
William Provancher, associate professor of mechanical engineering, explains, “We have developed feedback modes that enhance immersiveness and realism for gaming scenarios such as collision, recoil from a gun, the feeling of being pushed by ocean waves or crawling prone in a first-person shooter game.”
To make what they call “skin-stretch feedback” possible, the prototype utilises two rubber knobs at the tip of each joystick which resemble the feeling and material of the rubber TrackPoint, users might remember from IBM laptops. Although the question arises, if gamers who place their thumbs angled upon the joysticks might have issues with this technology, computer science doctoral student, Ashley Guinan assures that the player’s experience is not affected.
Combining the physical feedback of the controller together with the visual and auditory information, Provachner wishes not only to revolutionise how games are played but also enhance the use of mobile phones and steering wheels within cars.
The idea of feeling a jolt when explosions happen on-screen, the sensation of your joysticks pulling back during an in-game car crash or simply experiencing the recoil of your weapon, this technology sounds tempting to try out, though it might take a while before we see the technology implemented in video games.