PS3 users get Saints Row 2 for free with Saints 3 purchase


Those purchasing Saint’s Row The Third can look forward to getting a free copy of part two of the trilogy for free. THQ are offering free digital copies of Saints Row 2 to PS3 users that use their online pass within 90 days of the games release (that’s February 13th you lazy gits).

This offer is only available to those living in the US, Mexico and Canada. Once again us European folk have been duped!

The third iteration of the Saints Row series has knocked up the mental/crazy/stupid features that it has become famous for.  Batter people to death with purple dildos, use a military fighter jet to take down opposing gangs or just go old school and spray people with that good stuff from the sewers. The game looks like a laugh to us, whether it is worth the £40 price tag is another question.

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