Realms of Ancient War announcement impresses

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There is a distinct lack of decent hack-n-slash titles on digital download. While there are some games that are pretty good, nothing that brilliant has come along over the last few years.

One game that is hoping to buck this trend is Realms of Ancient War (R.A.W). A released video, which can be viewed below, shows what appears to be a traditional hack-n-slash game on crack, with a dash of RPG elements. The footage is impressive too, with hordes of enemies approaching our hero as he dispatches them with magic and brute strength. There’s even the token cave troll which is required for all fantasy games now.

Now please, just confirm online and offline co-op and we’ll all be extremely happy.

The blurb for the video reads:

R.A.W. – Realms of Ancient War, the explosive Hack’n'Slash (action/role-playing game) developed by Wizarbox for Xbox LIVE®, PlayStation® Network and PC, today leads us, in an action-packed video, on the trail of one of the 3 playable heroes of the game: the Warrior!

In the video of today, watch all the rage of the warrior freely expressed! Courageous, hot-headed and expert in close combat, the Warrior thrives at the very heart of the battle. Swinging his dual blades with power and speed, his powerful melee attacks are devastating, sometimes allowing him to strike down dozens of enemies at once! And when his health goes bad, bloody rage embraces him and make him even more powerful, more resilient, enabling him to cause even more damage… there is nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal! Plunge now in battle through one minute of action-packed video, focusing exclusively on the Warrior and his devastating attacks! Watch him battle, relentlessly, the hordes of creatures and the huge bosses trying to stop him!

R.A.W. – Realms of Ancient War will be released on Xbox LIVE®, PlayStation® Network and PC 2nd quarter of 2012.

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