It has been a while since we heard anything about Super Smash Bros. for the WiiU. The game was announced back in June, but since then Nintendo has been keeping quiet about the whole thing.
In an interview with IGN, lead game designer Masahiro Sakurai revealed that he is working on new ideas for the game. He insists that Nintendo will not just add on new characters and levels saying that “there is a certain dead end we come to if we just expand the volume of the game”, instead they are looking to use new ideas to revitalise the series. ”I intend to change direction a little as we go,” Sakurai said. ”The key to that’s going to be its dual support for 3DS/Wii U.”
Smash fans will have to wait a while though as quality games do not make themselves overnight.
“I’m really just getting started on this so it’s going to take time, but I’ll come up with something that uses that link as the game’s central axis, so I hope you’re looking forward to it.”