Star Wars Battlefront III pre-alpha images and video emerges


Star Wars Battlefront was one of the most loved series from George Lucas’ franchise. Much better than some of the drivel that comes out now days. Unfortunately after Free Radical’s Haze bombed and the company got sold to Crytek we have not heard anything about a new Battlefront sequel. That hasn’t stopped us hoping though. Today we were even lucky enough to get a glimpse of what Star Wars Battlefront III could have been with some pre-alpha images and videos appearing online.

According to  where the footage and images emerged: ”The old leaked footage was from a Free Radical Design event in November of 2008. I believe that this footage is from around March – April 2008, so depending on when the old leaked footage was recorded, it could be up to 8 months older.This footage is also of the Xbox 360 build.”

We still have high hopes that Star Wars Battlefront III will be created some day instead of something crap like Star Wars: Leia’s Dance Off 3.


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