Steam users offered Midnight Club II for free

Midnight Club 2

Steam users can get their hands on a bargain today by picking up Midnight Club II for absolutely free. The game is being given away as part of a promotion for Rockstar’s Steam presence.

To qualify for your free copy of Midnight Club II you must be a Steam account holder with at least one purchase. You must also join Rockstar’s Game Community on Steam, which you can do by clicking here.

We have fond memories of Midnight Club II. The PS2 game had you racing against different groups of rivals across locations from around the globe. It had been made specifically so the races incorporated huge jumps and short cuts that gave Midnight Club II an adrenaline fuelled feeling. Best of all this was done with the backdrops of some of the most famous cities and monuments in this world.

If you are interested by this offer, be quick, as it ends at 10am PST. For more details on the offer, please visit the official site.

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One Response to “Steam users offered Midnight Club II for free”

  1. Mario says:

    You should also iterate that Midnight Club 2, crap game title, doesn’t support Windows7, so that free offer from Rockstar sucks.

    Just letting you know…

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