EA are set to release sequels to several of their big titles in this fiscal year. In a call with investor the company said: ”At the foundation is another year of blockbuster brands: Madden NFL, FIFA, Sim City, Medal of Honor, Dead Space, [...]
Posts Tagged ‘Medal of Honor’

LinkedIn profile reveals God of War 4 and new Medal of Honour

Another online CV has outed more unannounced games. This time it is the a new God of War and Medal of Honour games. The image comes directly from David [...]

Play another hour, games improve your eyesight

For everybody out there trying to legitimise their time in front of video games, your arguments just got a whole lot better. A new research by Daphne Maurer of McMaster University in Canada, has shown that playing first person shooters may improve your eyesight. The study took six patients [...]

GAME reveals new Medal of Honor and Need For Speed games

GAME is the latest company to spoil a company’s fun by accidentally revealing that new Medal of Honor and Need For Speed titles are due to be released later this [...]