Posts Tagged ‘Ninja Gaiden 3’


Atsushi Inaba: Ninja Gaiden 3 was “a shi**y game”

Game developers have got their handbags out this week. Atsushi Inaba of Platinum Games and Yosuke Hayashi from Temco have come to loggerheads over their rival titles.

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Ninja Gaiden 3 Gameplay – Ryu in London

Tecmo Koei has posted a gameplay video of the new Ninja Gaiden in which the series protagonist pays London a quick visit before showing off some Desert locations.


Ninja Gaiden screens get soaked in blood

Ninja Gaiden 3 may not have the limb slicing action it once did, but that doesn’t mean that the game has lost its taste for blood. The screenshots below show the series hero Ryu Hayabusa slicing through different characters [...]

Ninja Gaiden 3 Multiplayer

Ninja Gaiden 3 trailer shows off multiplayer

The latest trailer for the Ninja Gaiden 3 has been released today. The video shows off the new multiplayer feature and as you would expect is full of blood, gore and crazy powers. Whether the multiplayer will work is another thing entirely, [...]

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