If you are looking to pick up a copy of Skyward Sword this weekend and are running low on money, why not take a trip to London and get the copy for free. What’s the catch I hear you ask? Well, to receive a free copy you have to be one of the first hundred people through HMV’s doors on Friday morning at 9am. If you miss this why not check out Oxford Street’s Game which will [...]
Posts Tagged ‘Zelda Skyward Sword’
Get Skyward Sword for free!
November 16th, 2011 ramdewarkiron
Today’s News: Mass Effect 3 Demo announced, Doom 4 ‘postponed indefinately’, New Mario Kart 7 features and more…
October 21st, 2011 ramdewarkiron
Mass Effect 3 Demo release date: Those eagerly awaiting the release of Mass Effect 3 will be happy to know that today Bioware anounced both a single player demo and a multiplayer demo for January 2012. The announcement was made via Bioware’s Twitter feed with the company commenting on the demo saying, ‘there will be [...]