The Sun has claimed that terrorists “are using online war games like Call of Duty to plot attacks.” Yes, it’s happened again. The Sun has run out of things to write about and started making up stories again.
The article goes on to say, “Islamic extremists know cops monitor phone calls, emails and online messages. So they are turning to PlayStation and Xbox games to keep their deadly plans secret.” The idea of terrorists using Xbox Live party chat or talking on PSN seems a little far-fetched, but we guess it is possible.
The article looses all credibility when it says “would-be jihadists treat war games as training tools, a bit like a pilot might use a flight simulator”. If anyone can play Call of Duty or Battlefield and become a military expert then I must be SAS or secret service.
Once again it seems The Sun has run out of ideas. The story seems to clutch at anything it can to link terrorism and gaming. The article mentions “a source”, “security chiefs” or “a security expert”, but never says who these people are. We are guessing they probably work for The Sun.
Worst of all, The Sun claims that “Call of Duty addicts can even join “clans” — groups who regularly play together.” We shudder at the thought. Disgusting! Someone call the cops now!