Tim Schafer, “I would love to do Psychonauts 2″


Speaking to Digital Spy Tim Schafer told readers that he is eager to make a sequel to the game Psychonauts, but that he cannot find a publisher for the game.

“I mean I get a lot of, on Twitter or whatever, daily questions about Psychonauts 2. And I would love to do Psychonauts 2, I’ve actually pitched that to publishers several times and no-one has taken the bait so far,” Tim Schafer said.

“So it is hard because fans often don’t know how the business works, with the difference between a developer and a publisher, it’s hard to explain that.”

The first Psychonauts was one of the unsung heroes of the last console generation and can be downloaded of Xbox Live.

It seems that Schafer hasn’t given up on the game either and is still working on ideas trying to get funding.

“I’d love to do that game, but I’d have to convince someone to just give me a few million dollars, that’s all.”

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