Metal Gear Solid HD release date slips to 2012:
If you had the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection on your Christmas list for Santa, you might as well cross it off now. Today Konami announced that their compilation will not be available in the UK and US this year, and instead will release on February the 3rd on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
The collection includes Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence and the previous PSP exclusive game, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. These are some of the best games of last generation for a discounted price and with touched up visuals, so for fans of the series this was a must buy.
While this may upset many, we are sure you will find some other game to ask for this Christmas. Maybe Skyrim, Battlefield 3, Modern Warfare 3, Disgaea 4, Uncharted 3, Halo: Combat Evolved HD…
Batman Arkham City Nightwing trailer released:
The game has only been out for a week but Batman Arkham City has already got a set of DLC behind it with more to come. The latest nugget of content to be announced by Warner was the playable character Nightwing. The DLC pack also includes an extra character skin for the new character and two new challenge rooms: Main Hall and Wayne Manor.
While Nightwing’s new moves and gadget sets do look slick, £4.80/£5.49 (depending on which console you own) is a high price for DLC that is only playable in challenge rooms.
For those of you not up to scratch on your comic books, Nightwing used to be known as Robin and changed his name to Nightwing once he left Wayne Manor. He then went on to travel the world and picked up various fighting techniques, new gadgets and a different outlook on life to Batman’s.
Nightwing will be available for download from November the 1st on Playstation 3 (£5.49) and Xbox 360 (£4.80).
If you have not played Arkham City yet, you should. We gave it a 9/10 in our review.
Playstation Network offline for maintenance this Thursday:
If you are a PSN addict you may want to get your fix in tonight as Sony announced that their online service will be down tomorrow for maintenance. This is more than likely to make updates, tweaks and enforcing security measures after the hack on PSN.
“There will be a routine PSN maintenance on Thursday between 02:00 and 08:00 UK time,” Sony said on Twitter.
“PS Network services may be intermittent for some users.”
Just be thankful this was done before Battlefield 3′s release.
Japanese Newspaper reports Nintendo loss:
Nikkei Business Daily has reported that Nintendo have over 100 billion yen worth of losses in Q2 of the financial year. This is almost double the 55 million yen loss that was forecast earlier in the year.
Nintendo has recently had a shaky time with stock prices dropping throughout the whole year. This has been due to the poor sales of the Nintendo 3DS and development costs of the Wii U.
Let’s hope that the Christmas rush and Skyward Sword will give the our favourite plumber something to celebrate.