Watch the first ten minutes of NeverDead


CVG have just released a video containing the first ten minutes of Konami’s shooter NeverDead.

The game has you play as Bryce Boltzmann, a man who can survive without his limbs and head.

“Losing a limb is a mere inconvenience and Bryce’s physical skills allow a wealth of ways to take out the enemy – from close-range combat, to throwing limbs into clusters of monsters and shooting them remotely,” said Shinta Nojiri, creator of NeverDead.

“Even when all limbs have been removed, players can roll around as a head,” he explained.

While we are not quite sure if NeverDead will work, we appreciate the new area it is moving into. After all, who else has made a game that encourages self dismemberment?

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One Response to “Watch the first ten minutes of NeverDead”

  1. sonicb33 says:

    He can grow back a torso? Crazy talk!

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