Xbox user banned for using name in gamertag


A man has been banned from Xbox Live after they deemed his gamertag to be offensive. Nothing new so far then. The only problem is that the banned name was the player’s actual name.

Steven Gooche has been using his name as his gamertag since the 2004 on the original Xbox. Despite using the same username for eight years he was contacted by Microsoft yesterday and was asked to change his gamertag as it was offensive.

For those of you who don’t know, the ‘gooche’ is the part in between the two areas where you relieve yourself of liquids and solids.

Steven was aware of this, but it didn’t bother him in the slightest.

“I mean its not the end of the world, but for the last decade its been my name… my online persona… even on [PlayStation Network],” Gooche said in an e-mail to Kotaku. “How do you change that in five minutes?”

Steven says that throughout his life he has come up against people who taunt him because of his name, but that now he “wear(s) it like a badge of honor now.”

Steven has said that he will battle against the decision as he feels it is clearly an unfair ruling.

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2 Responses to “Xbox user banned for using name in gamertag”

  1. xino says:


    people are just too obvious online and love leaving themselves open to attack!

    how can you be using your real name online? whereas people can see your date of birth and other info on xbox?

  2. says:

    there will not be a new xbox for a long time and i do not think it will be called a 720 but when the new one comes out i can salomt gaurantee that you can. BTW they will not be coming out with a new xbox anytime soon but there are coming out with a new dashboard update.

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