Zombie experience day – “Movie-quality special effects & video game-style missions”


As gamers we have always been pretty sure that if a zombie apocalypse comes, we will be ready. We have had hours, days, years of training from games such as Left 4 Dead, Day Z and the Resident Evil series. Ask most gamers what their plan is for a zombie apocalypse and they will probably have a half decent answer ready for you.

So when we saw that  is offering people the chance to slay the undead, we were pretty excited. The experience day lasts 3+ hours, which is just enough time to satisfy my bloodthirst for zombies.

In the first section you will be briefed on your surrounding and airsoft weapons and taken into the mall. You will then have the horde unleashed and experience, “Movie-quality special effects & video game-style missions”.

The Zombie Shopping Mall Experience takes place in Reading, which is just outside of London and takes about 30 minutes to get to on the train. An abandoned shopping centre has been used for the zombie experience and suitably replicates the same feeling as Dawn of the Dead.

Be quick though, the whole experience day could be cancelled soon as the abandoned shopping centre is due to be demolished in the Summer.

We wonder if melee weapons will be allowed…

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