New screenshots of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II have been released via Sega’s blog. If it anything like the last episode, or Sonic Generations, then Sega have my money! This leads on from Sega’s coverage from last week’s [...]
Posts Tagged ‘SEGA’

Design your own graffiti in Jet Set Radio

Sega has just announced that Jet Set Radio will be getting an HD upgraded version for the PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. The game will be a digital download, bringing back the wacky cell shaded Dreamcast title which was originally [...]

SEGA tease new mystery title

SEGA have released a new mystery video via their online blog. The words “The next Dreamcast game”, “On XBLA and PSN”, ”Guess who’s back.” and then finally a small rotating symbol all appear in the video and has got the [...]

Aliens: Colonial Marines has cool box art

Aliens: Colonial Marines may have just been delayed until August but that hasn’t stopped SEGA from letting us know the game is alive and kicking. Today the Japanese games company released the official box art for the game [...]

Aliens Colonial Marines delayed

Aliens Colonial Marines has been delayed until Autumn 2012. The word comes from the games official website and is likely to upset many (including us). There has not been a reason given as to why Aliens Colonial Marines has been delayed, but [...]

Binary Domain out this February

Today a brand new trailer for Binary Domain was released – a new 3rd person shooter from SEGA. Developed by new company Yakuza Studio, Binary Domain is set in 2080 in Tokyo, Japan. The basis of the game is the effects of global warming; namely a severe rise in sea levels that cause [...]

Shenmue creator discusses sequel

Shenmue’s creator Yu Suzuki has said that he would consider creating a sequel to his masterpiece which was released on the Dreamcast. Shenmue was an extremely ambitious game that was meant to tell a story spanning over ten games. Due to the production costs and the Dreamcast’s demise Shenmue only managed to have two games [...]

SEGA iOS sale live

SEGA have just put a set of iOS games on sale for the low price of 69p (99 cents if you live in America). Highlights include games from the Golden Axe, Sonic and Streets of Rage series.Sega have even been nice enough to offer these titles to users until the 9th of January, so you’ve got somewhere to spend any money Santa brings you. Check out the full [...]

Anarchy Reigns delayed

Platinum Games multiplayer brawler was meant to be launched in January 2012 but has been put back until July 3rd (North America), or 6th (Europe). Sega West senior VP of marketing Gary Knight explained why [...]

How to kill zombies in Yakuza: Dead Souls

The Japanese will never cease to amaze us. When rumours were circulating about the Yakuza series dying, SEGA decided to turn the gangster/hostess/karaoke/batting/orphan [...]