New images of supposed “unreleased concept art” for Assassin’s Creed have hit the web, alongside some info which states that Altair could have been an entirely different character, as well as the game’s setting and even gameplay.
Update: The artwork has since been uploaded to official page alongside the information given.
The artwork comes from an imgur user who goes by the name of VGTribune. Although no indications were given on who had supplied the quoted information found beneath the pictures, signatures amongst most of the pieces leave us to believe it might be coming from one of the game’s designer, Khai Nguyen.
Patrice Désilets, former creative director for the Assassin’s Creed series, is hinted at throughout the quotations giving directions to the designer on what personality the series would take. Toying with “high” and “low profile” assassin concepts, the creative director is even said to have considered making the game’s protagonist a female character and possibly including cooperative gameplay. The pieces of info which seem most interesting however, were the ideas which predated the actual creation of the game’s identity.
“As you can see here, the little kid on the horse is supposed to be the ‘Prince’ of Prince of Persia, because we were all under the allusion that we were making a ‘POP –Sands of time’ spinoff. The assassin was supposed to be the little prince’s bodyguard,” one of the images reads. Because of this tie in to the Prince of Persia series, it comes to no surprise that the designers supposedly thought of having the title take place in a fantasy setting.
While it can be said that many of these images can clearly be identified to be Khai’s work the legitimacy of the info is questionable due to the fact that this is coming from a three week old imgur account. Nonetheless, thinking about how the Assassin’s Creed franchise could have taken a different turn, leaves us wondering what could have been.