We have seen some really stupid stuff from internet scammers but this Diablo III gold farmer has to be one of the dumbest we have ever seen. The user called Gamebank, which does not sound suspicious at all, went onto the Diablo III forums to complain when his accounts were frozen.
The Vietnamese gentleman claims that he purchased 28 digital keys for Diablo III as “ it is rather hard to perform payment for a transaction via Internet due to most of gamer can not use English” and that the keys were “for my [Gamebank's] friends”.
After realising the issue Blizzard reset the majority of his accounts to starter packs, which cap your level at 13 and have a limited amount of missions. Blizzard have also not given the gentleman any word on a refund and to be honest, we are happy that this guy is getting his comeuppance. I mean there are , so we really doubt this guy is legitimately buying copies for others.
Gold farmers have been a pretty big problem in online gaming for a while now. Here people are organised to acquire in-game currency which they will then exchange for real-world money, you know, the kind of money you can actually use in shops and stuff.