A mysterious countdown has begun on Namco Bandai’s 3DS collaboration with Capcom and Sega.
If you wander over to the game’s official site you will see a timer counting down.A door handle then comes into view. After a scientist (we presume so by his glove) taps in a code the door opens and we then see a smashed glass and some liquid on the floor. The person then pushes an emergency button and an alarm then goes off as we view the broken glass again. The whole thing is done with a spooky backtrack that feels like it has been ripped from Resident Evil.
The only other clue that we have had about this game is the “chromosomes” image that was released after the game was announced by Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata in a February Nintendo Direct broadcast. Some people thought that the image represented different characters from each company. While we like the idea, the new trailer and the characters pictured (see below) do not match up.
The countdown will run out on the 12th at midnight, so keep it marked on your calendars!