Diablo III Launch Site

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Blizzard has revealed a new Diablo III website promoting the game’s release, where user will be able to earn exclusive in-game awards and gain extra information on the title as it’s street date comes nearer.

On the main page there is a path with multiple symbols locked in chains and an indicator on top which reads 0% at the moment, alongside the phrase “The end of days draws near, and countless mysteries bar your path. Take courage, hero, and shed light upon the demonic secrets within”. As users take part in contests and share the page the progress bar will advance and unlock further content.

“Each week a new class journeys to the town of New Tristram to join the Gathering of Heroes. Adorn a banner fit for a brave adventurer and claim the exclusive in-game sigil for this week’s hero,” the website states.

So head on over to their page and create your banner to get prepared for when Diablo III finally hits.

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