Today’s Microsoft E3 Press Conference opened with a bang, as 343 showcased a short piece of gameplay from their highly anticipated upcoming title, Halo 4.
After a brief live action trailer, where we are shown the crash of a battleship codenamed “Infinity”, we finally got to follow the Chief as he attempts to trace down the aforementioned space craft.
It soon becomes apparent that the chief is not alone, although Chief encounters a few Covenant soldiers, we finally get to see the new enemies, which were hinted at a while ago.
The glowing creatures we were already familiar with seem to be some sort of AI, as Cortana points out, though what followed next was a type of extra terrestrial creature reminiscent of the alien forces we encountered in the Crysis series.
As with previous instalments in the Halo series we are also introduced to alien counterparts to familiar weapons. In the short gameplay the Chief acquires some sort of Battlerifle and Shotgun equivalent laser guns, which feature a recognisable red glow, similar to the enemies at hand.
As the gameplay comes to an end we are shown a brief montage of clips for what else is to come, with Cortana’s AI deterioration apparently playing a major role as previously expected, as well as some quad-pedal blue enemies.
Surely the enemies are a surprise, though what the final montage hinted leaves us to believe that players will not only have to battle the newly encountered life form but possibly even Cortana. A short flash shows our long trusted AI as she furiously screams at the chief, before we are shown some sort of detonator triggered by the Chief.
Nothing can be said for sure, but we definitely are all the more excited to see what lies ahead for the Halo series.
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