A leaked video of Rayman Legends has shown off new functionality for the Wii U. The NFC technology allows users to place real items onto their Wii U display, this will read what the item is and transfer it to the game accordingly.
This technology is similar to what Skylanders used. Since the game was launched it has sold extremely well, with additional characters racking up the price for consumers.
“NFC has essentially superseded QR codes as a method of data transferral, with the obvious benefit that RFID chips contain much more info,” Mathew Castle of Nintendo Gamer explains. ”3DS’s QR compatibility is Nintendo testing the water regarding add-on content; Pullblox levels and FreakyForms characters are the tip of the iceberg. And the use of AR cards in Kid Icarus: Uprising is developer Masahiro Sakurai’s dry run for collectable figures to unlock Smash Bros characters.”
Castle goes on to state, “With Wii U supporting multiple controllers, NFC should allow you to transfer and carry around save data on your pad, and could easily be extended to allow the trading of Pokémon or Smash Bros trophies. Swapping players in FIFA and Madden would be a doddle, and would certainly explain EA CEO Peter Moore’s comments that ‘we’ll be able to differentiate ourselves from the competition more easily with our sports line-up.’”