So earlier today gaming legend Shinji Mikami revealed that he was working on a mysterious title named Zwei. Now at first this did not seem odd, a new game with a weird name makes sense. It builds suspense for more details on the game and only helps for stupid articles, such as this one, which try to decipher what game is being made.
Now let us note first of all that Zwei is not necessarily the final name of the game. It is only the name that has been given to the project that he is working on, so this game could be anything. What we are going to do here is look at the possibilities of a new game and some of the rumours floating about.
Shadows of the Damned II:
For those of you who do not know, zwei is German for two. Add that to the fact that a sequel to Shadows of the Damned has been rumoured for a while now and you have a good contender for this new mystery game.
Mikami was notably dissapointed with how this game was handled. Whether this was due to the publishers or developers is another story entirely, what is for sure, the original could have been better. After some poor sales we never thought this game would even be mentioned again. That was until Akira Yamaoka commented that he was “thinking of a sequel”, when he was asked if EA would back the game he replied, ”Well, yes.” That response shows that a new Shadows of the Damned game is a possibility.
Why it is unlikely is simple, there were too many other big people involved. If Mikami’s new game was being published by EA, they would have announced that at the same time. Suda 51, who was heavily involved with the original, has not had any mention either. We really do not think that this is his new secret project, but hey, you never know.
Soul Calibur spin-off:
Now this idea was suggested to me by a friend and it is a long shot, but what if the new Zwei game was a spin-off from Soul Calibur? One of the series’ latest additions was the new character who had supernatural powers. The tall and handsome fighter could summon up a supernatural werewolf-like character in battle, known as E.I.N. We could see how this could be used with the lead character Z.W.E.I either gaining his power or learning how to control it. The fact that it involves werewolf-demons fits within the horror genre too, so maybe you would be fighting against these supernatural beings in Mikami’s new game.
Unfortunately we can’t see it happening. Mikami has never worked with Namco Bandai and we cannot see him doing this now. Z.W.E.I is not a big enough character to get his own game and we can’t see Namco Bandai using a company outside of its house to develop a game so close to heart.
Resident Evil Survival-Horror series:
Resident Evil 6 has already had its fair share of complaints. Many feel that the series has lost its way recently. The last title released was fun, but it was way to action orientated. The horror elements that the franchise was built on was all but forgotten. The latest videos for the game did not change people’s perception either.
So what better way to keep fans happy than to bring back one of the lead developers from your glory days? Mikami worked on the series since the original game and was the director of Resident Evil 4, a game which many consider the pinnacle of the series. Capcom have also started hiring other companies to work on their games, such as the Lost Planet series. This title could be the second part of Resident Evil 6′s story, with a bigger emphasis on survival horror.
While we love the idea of Mikami taking the reigns on a new Resident Evil game, we cannot see it happening. Capcom have previously got other developers to work on their games, but Resident Evil is their highest grossing series ever, it is not a new one like Lost Planet. Resident Evil 6 is apparently still keeping the survival horror aspect of the series alive through Leon’s story. Although we fear the worst for this release.
Ein, Zwei, Die, Nazi survival horror:
This is what we would like to see most of all, but it is just a random idea in our head. As we mentioned before the word zwei is a German word, couple that with the fact that Nazi killing is always in fashion within the video games industry and you have yourselves a new game. Think of it, a survival horror game set in Berlin after the war was ended by some kind of apocalypse which has turned these bigots into the undead. It’s your job as an Allied hero to save the country and stop Hitler/random Nazi official from spreading the plague across the world.
Now I know this sounds mad but it would fit in with how Mikami seems to try to subvert genres. The occupied Nazi zombie territories are something that we do not get to see much in games and you could easily blend this with a steam punk theme. Imagine something like the , visually, with survival horror elements.
This is all just here-say, so we can’t really comment on the likelihood of this idea coming true, although if it does then I am officially God.
None of the above you fool:
Well we can’t always be right and I would not be surprised if that was the case this time as well. We’d love to see any, or all of the ideas above. For all we know this game could actually be a survival horror game about aliens and dinosaurs on Mars! Let us know what you’d like to see in Mikami’s latest game in the comments box below.
Just admit you don’t have a clue. And that this article was a waste of everybody’s time and energy and you could have spent that time doing something useful like painting your living room.