With the Metal Gear Solid movie officially announced, the rumour mills are doing overtime with their predictions of who will be cast to play all important roles. Details on the movie are sparse but, we are going to go ahead and just (for the sake of fun) presume that the first game will be converted to the big screen. If so, Hollywood need look no further for a casting director as they’ll have all the best actors for Metal Gear Solid’s iconic roles right here.a
Solid Snake, Hugh Jackman:
Jackman can act, clearly does not mind a bit of action and probably would jump at the opportunity to play Snake, seeing as he’s pretty much known as ‘The dude who played Wolverine’ at the moment. He also fits Snake’s figure too and can clearly grow some . The Australian actor may need a few voice acting lessons and a pack of cigarettes to help him get that signature grizzly voice of Snake’s. While he may be a bit old for the job, I think that he’s perfect for the role. I mean, Snake’s a man, not a boy anyway.
Liquid Snake, Michael Fassbender:
Fassbender has been around the block recently. The Irish actor has played several prominent roles including Magneto in X-Men: First Class and David in Prometheus. Usually playing strong, but broken characters, Fassbender seems perfect for the role of powerful, intellectual and angry Liquid Snake. He even has the right build and look that match him with the part. His role in the new Assassin’s Creed film even suggests that he may have an interest and respect for video games that other Hollywood hot shots lack.
Ocelot, Gary Oldman:
Ocelot has always been one of the best characters in MGS. His gruffled voice, evil plans and revolver-spinning skills placed him in MGS history. Clearly an actor with some gravitas is needed for this role and we think that Oldman would fit the bill. Oh and he usually plays villains too. Anyone remember The Fifth Element, Leon or Hannibal? Each of them has a varying level of moustache twirling evilness and action that are needed for the role of Ocelot.
Psycho Mantis, Doug Jones:
Playing a man wearing what looks like some weird Nazi porno SnM outfit is never going to be a Hollywood a-lister’s first choice. Thankfully one rather tall, thin man doesn’t seem to have a problem with donning freaky outfits. Doug Jones has played Abe Sapien (Hellboy) and the ‘Pale Man’ (Pan’s Labyrinth), both of which are weird charcters with rather interesting outfits. Both needed a level of dedication and acting skill that show that Jones is more than just the suit he’s wearing.
Sniper Wolf, Milla Jovovic:
Sniper Wolf is a hard character to cast, oddly complex, the killer/dog lover/ Otacon’s maternal figure is indeed an odd one. Jovovic has proved that she can act (The Fifth Element) and still kick some arse ( Resident Evil ), which is perfect for Sniper Wolf’s complex character. Oh and we bet that she wouldn’t look to bad in either…
Otacon, James McAvoy:
This British actor has sprung to success over the last decade, playing roles such as Xavier in X-Men: First Class and Dr Garrigan in The Last King of Scotland. He has also shown that he has acting skill, but more importantly, McAvoy generally plays weedy characters. Even in Wanted, where he could bend bullets, his character was not one of the cool kids. We can envision McAvoy playing Otacon, a nervous nuclear scientist caught in the middle of the chaos of Shadow Moses.
Raven, Tom Hardy:
He’s not Russian, but Hardy is the perfect mix for this role; built like a brick house, but with acting skill, we can easily see him wielding Raven’s iconic mini-gun. For those of you who do not feel Hardy’s quite big enough, then watch his latest film (if you haven’t seen it already, where have you been) Batman: The Dark Knight Rises where his character Bane is imposing to say the least.
Meryl, Carey Mulligan:
Now I know a lot of people may disagree with this choice, but let me explain. Not only does Mulligan match the physical attributes of Meryl but she can also act. Instead of some getting some big breasted bimbo with no acting talent, why not get someone who can play the part? The British actress often plays fragile women and this is perfect for the role of Meryl. While she has her moments of strength, she still needs help, most of the time from Snake and is clearly out of her depth.