It’s official, The Sony Playstation 3 is 5 years old (in Europe). The first Playstation 3 was sold on March 23rd, 2007. We’ve had five years of brilliant games and memories that’ll last a lifetime.
Since the console launched we’ve had titles such as Metal Gear Solid 4, The Uncharted Trilogy, Motorstorm, Little Big Planet, Valkyria Chronicles and Demon’s Souls. These are only a few of the awesome titles released on the shiny black box.
The console even helped to win one of the biggest wars in the industry: HD-DVD vs Blur-Ray Discs. Even though some put the success of Blu-Ray down to the , the Playstation 3 had a massive effect on the market.
Sony has mixed up its to show the history of the Playstation brand, highlighting key events and games.
They even made a tasty looking cake with the Playstation buttons, Ratchet and Clank, Sackboy and a cute little Helghan. Mmm tasty Playstation.