Over at Capcom Unity, details have been released surrounding the revamped Dante in the upcoming Devil may Cry reboot, DmC.
Previous updates stated that the new Dante is half angel (instead of human) and half demon, though recent news sheds further light on his background and motivations as well as his armoury.
Growing up in various institutions, orphanages, youth correction facilities and foster homes under the operation of demons, Dante was often kept in order through violence and torture. As a result, he has developed a hatred towards demons and authority in general, while trying to remain incognito.
The main weapons remain the same with some design tweaks to make them seem more mysterious. Dante’s sword Rebellion was given to him by his father Sparda, while the origin of his guns Ebony & Ivory remain unknown. The pistols sport contemporary barrels with ornate embossing, giving them a feeling of “mystique and uniqueness”… let’s just hope their not pea shooters again.