With less than an hour to go Serellan LLC’s project to revive the Hardcore Tactical Shooter with the help of Kickstarter has made the last push reaching their $200,000 pledge.
Struggling to gather enough backers, they previously posted, “At this point, things are coming in tight. If we continue at our current rate, we will be JUST short of our goal. BUT, if everyone that has pledged increased their pledge by $15, or got another person to pledge $15, we WILL make it.”
Now racking up around $220,000 it seems as if Christian Allen will be able to make his vision come true. We are pleased to see how things turned out since we were enthusiastic about the idea from the beginning.
Serellan LLC’s game now dubbed “Takedown – Realistic Squad-Based Tactical Shooter” will be going in development soon and backers will be able to join the process. Our wishes go out to everybody behind the project.