Street Fighter X Tekken, “only the PlayStation family will be getting the exclusive characters”


Yoshinori Ono has confirmed that he attempted to get console exclusive fighters for the Xbox 360 version of Street Fighter X Tekken but was unable to agree any terms with Microsoft.

The PS3 and VITA versions of the game have their own unique characters so it is a shame the 360 didn’t get the same treatment.

“We do have the exclusive characters for the Sony platform. We have Cole, the two Sony cats, Kuro and Toro. But basically for the Xbox 360, we were in discussions with them (Microsoft) for which character to put in as an exclusive, but we weren’t able to decide on a character because of differences in timing and things like that,”

“So unfortunately for Street Fighter X Tekken, only the PlayStation family will be getting the exclusive characters, but it’s something we wish could have happened. It’s just too bad, basically,”

The enigmatic game designer seemed to have a few mad ideas too: “In terms of characters we wish we could have put in the game, Master Chief or Marcus Fenix from Gears of War would have been really cool.”

I can’t see Capcom getting a mascot for Microsoft’s machine, with the few of them that exist and issues with licensing. I certainly wouldn’t have said no to Capcom throwing Dante in there though…



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