Katsuhiro Harada, series producer for the Tekken franchise, has told Eurogamer that he will continue to ensure DLC doesn’t block core game elements.
Posts Tagged ‘Street Fighter X Tekken’

Additional characters enter the Street Fighter x Tekken Mobile arena

Capcom have announced a batch of new combatants that will be joining Street Fighter X Tekken in its release for mobile devices.

Street Fighter X Tekken Mobile coming to iOS this Summer

Capcom have officially announced Street Fighter x Tekken Mobile for iOS devices.This story confirms the rumours around the title which arose after Capcom were spotted testing an iPad version of the game at E3. The game has been scaled back for iOS devices with a [...]

Street Fighter X Tekken Coming to iOS?

According to a report on Siliconera, Capcom’s beat-’em up Street Fighter X Tekken may be set to come to Apple devices. The article states that one of their writers got to have a hands on impression with an early build of the iOS game [...]

Review: Street Fighter X Tekken

I love Street Fighter. Ever since I did by first hadoken, back in the day on my Mega Drive, I have been hooked. Since then I have owned so many different Street Fighter titles, re-releases and spin-offs that I couldn’t even count the number on my fingers and toes put together! So when I heard [...]

Street Fighter X Tekken fan video looks awesome

An awesome Street Fighter X Tekken fan video showing Jun facing off against Vega has appeared on Youtube. [...]

Capcom release cool Street Fighter X Tekken short movie

Capcom have released a new ten minute short movie to gather some more hype for the release of Street Fighter X Tekken. The whole thing is pretty cool and it makes [...]

Does SFxT show DLC getting out of control?

Before the start of this gen there was talk of a thing called downloadable content. I remember that loads of gamers were scared by this notion. Game developers could release new missions, game modes and various other add ons. Unlike the PC, console gamers would rarely get any of this [...]

Capcom responds to character DLC debacle

Capcom has responded to the latest news that 12 characters due to be released as DLC are already on the disc. Street Fighter X Tekken will have Blanka, Cody, Dudley, Elena, Guy, and Sakura, Alisa Bosconovitch, Bryan Fury, Christie [...]

Poison: Is she a he?

The topic over Final Fight’s Poison has been debated over the years. Many have noted that the pink haired slapper is not all woman. In fact, Street Fighter X Tekken director Ono even went on record saying, “Let’s set the record straight: In North America, Poison is officially a post-op transsexual,” Ono reveals. “But in Japan, she simply tucks her business away in order to look like a girl.” [...]