Posts Tagged ‘crytek’


Timesplitters 4 not dead – “We’ve seen it running”

A new issue of OXM claims that Timeplitters 4 is very much alive and kicking.”Trusted OXM sources have claimed that they’ve seen TimeSplitters 4 running. That’s no guarantee that it’ll be released – at least one version of [...]


Crytek are ‘really, really happy with’ Ryse

It has been a rather long time since we have had any news on Crytek’s motion controlled game Ryse. Many started to fear that the Kinect exclusive Roman brawler was dead [...]

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CryEngine 3 First Look

A new trailer over at Gametrailers has been released showing off some of the new possibilities CryENGINE 3 has to offer. Amongst some impressive lighting and reflections, the updated shading and implementation of Tessellation in structures and character models breath life into environments and models like no other engine available as of now. After a [...]

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