Receiver must be one of the most ambitious games that we have seen.
Posts Tagged ‘FPS’

Cancelled Mass Effect FPS prototype video footage

A short clip from the Mass Effect first person shooter that was cancelled in favour of ME3′s cooperative component, giving a quick rundown of the weapons and vehicles seen in the previous “leak”.

Mass Effect 3′s multiplayer was originally a FPS

A recent post on Kotaku reveals that before Mass Effect 3‘s multiplayer mode was a third-person tag along for the campaign, developers at BioWare’s Montreal studio were planning to release a first-person shooter under the name “Mass Effect Team Assault”. In the Final Hours of Mass Effect 3 gaming journalist Geoff Keighley explained that the [...]

Spec Ops: The Line gets trailer

Today the trailer for 2K’s new shooter game ‘Spec Ops: The Line’ was released and sparked some interest for promising a potential change of scenery. Especially after the recent release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3, it is a [...]

New XIII game isn’t a FPS

A while ago we brought you the news that XIII was set to get a new lease of life with a smartphone game. Today the first footage of XIII: Lost Identity was revealed showing an abrupt change from the game’s roots. Instead of sticking to the FPS origins, the new application is taking more of a point and click approach The game’s developers, Anuman Interactive has described [...]