Posts Tagged ‘Killer is Dead’

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More Killer is Dead artwork released

Kadokawa Games has released some more artwork for Killer is Dead. The new game which is being co-developed by Grasshopper Manufacture promises to be pretty odd. Game Director Suda 51 described it as “a sort of [...]


Killer is Dead details and concept art released

Yesterday Suda 51 announced the latest game in the Grasshopper Manufacture and Kadokawa Games partnership – Killer is Dead. The game was described by the twisted genius as “a sort of “Dark Side 007″ in that it will [...]


Killer is Dead announced by Suda 51

Goichi ‘Suda 51′ has announced a new project called Killer is Dead. The new game will be the second game in Grasshopper Manufacture and Kadokawa Games partnership which will see Lollipop Chainsaw being released this June. Killer is Dead puts you in the shoes of [...]

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