Adult site YouPorn has begun to encourage users to sign up for the Microsoft Beta in order to access their site through the Xbox’s new browser: “Gamers and free porn lovers around the world rejoice! Thanks at long last to the introduction of Internet Explorer for XBox, you can now tap in to and stream [...]
Posts Tagged ‘Porn’

Yuke’s to make Lingerie Football League game

Yuke’s Co. Ltd. have acquired the rights to create games based on the Lingerie Football League. For those of you that do not know, the Lingerie Football League is an official sport where women play American Football while wearing lingerie. It may not sound like the most practical thing, but it pulls [...]

Senran Kagura Burst box art and screenshots

The latest screens and box art for action game Senran Kagura Burst have been released. The images show off the game’s busty characters and even a few screens of them fighting too.

Aisha Tyler – “It’s who I am. To the core. I’m a gamer.”

Aisha Tyler, who you may remember as, ‘That hot chick who dated Ross in Friends‘, has come out and declared to the world that she is a gamer. In a fit of nerd rage Tyler took to Facebook to vent her feelings about some critics that have questioned her dedication to gaming.

Soreyuke! Pre-Order Bonus Freaks us Out

Soreyuke! Burunyanman Portable: Return the Tuna Can of Love, Righteousness and Hope (yes that is the game’s real name) has some rather, um, interesting bonus items for those who pre-order the game. Those who get [...]

One for the Ladies – ‘Sexy Mario’

We love posting smutty stories up about the ladies, but at Xbigy Games we are all about equality, which is why we’ve found something for our female audience. There are pictures below of ‘Sexy Mario’ who can be found on Facebook.

Chinese Lara Crofts hand out traffic warnings

Yes that’s right, it’s time for another shameless story that has pictures of scantily clad women. Today’s story is on a group of Chinese students who have started handing out warnings to Chinese drivers who are parked illegally. The twist [...]

Tsuyokiss 3rd Term Portable gives smutty freebies to players

Love sim Tsuyokiss 3rd Term Portable has been given some interesting freebies to those who purchase the game through various different retailers. Players who purchase the game will receive one of the images below based upon where they have shopped. If you are really excited about Tsuyokiss 3rd Term Portable then we advise getting the special edition, [...]

Super Monkey Ball gets sexy with bonus “Adult Map”

Sega announced today that Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz for the PS Vita will be released with its own ‘adult map’. The map will feature several images of Yukie Kawamura, who featured in the ludicrous video below, which randomly had [...]

Nintendo 3DS gets ‘mature’ game

People always complain that Nintendo don’t get any ‘mature’ games. The family friendly company don’t usually get their hands too dirty. Developers of violent or smutty games usually see their titles fall into a great black hole [...]