Posts Tagged ‘Shadow of the Colossus’


Fumito Ueda still involved with The Last Guardian since leaving Sony

Developer Fumito Ueda has reassured fans that despite leaving Sony last year he is still very much active in the creation of The Last Guardian.


Weirdest games adverts

The games industry is a pretty new one and it still hasn’t quite learned how to best portray the feeling of games within a short advert. This has led to some of the best, worst and down right weirdest adverts that you will ever see. Everything from a crazy Sega Saturn superhero to a David [...]

Film and Game Art

They say games aren’t art (Game vs. Film)

I get really annoyed when people laugh if I claim that gaming can be an art form. You usually get snooty answers from non-gamers asking how Call of Duty can be considered up there with Monet or Piccasso. When you try to explain to them that there is more to gaming than the mainstream you [...]

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