In a recent Q&A published on their homepage, Rockstar explained their future plans for L.A. Noire, claiming [...]
Posts Tagged ‘LA Noire’

Rockstar on LA Noire, “don’t count out the possibility of a new game.”

They say games aren’t art (Game vs. Film)

I get really annoyed when people laugh if I claim that gaming can be an art form. You usually get snooty answers from non-gamers asking how Call of Duty can be considered up there with Monet or Piccasso. When you try to explain to them that there is more to gaming than the mainstream you [...]

LA Noire comes to OnLive

OnLive hasn’t exactly taken the gaming world by storm, but it is slowly getting there. Today they announced that LA Noire will be released on their system and will be compatible with iOS and Android devices. This means that you can [...]

LA Noire: Room for improvement

I loved LA Noire and if it wasn’t for the strong line up of games (Skyrim and Uncharted 3 I’m looking at you) then it probably would have been my game of the year. There hasn’t been a game of its type that has told a story in a way that has had me so [...]