Square Enix have commented on their impressive tech demo for their Luminous Engine claiming that “just one Blu-ray [...]
Posts Tagged ‘Square Enix’

Multiple discs may be required for games running on the Luminous Engine

No Final Fantasy VII remake until it is bettered

Square Enix CEO Yoichi Wada has revealed that we will get a Final Fantasy VII remake. At the company’s annual shareholder meeting Wada was asked about the possibility of a remake to Final Fantasy VII. He replied stating that Square Enix would need to first make a better game before returning to the PS1 title. [...]

FinalFantasy VII: Coming to a PC near you soon?

Square Enix may be bringing fan favourite Final Fantasy VII to Steam according to a post over on the GoG forums.

Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance gets E3 Trailer

A new trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance on the Nintendo 3DS has emerged in time for E3 next week to show off the games beautiful cinematic cutscenes with in-game footage.

Sleeping Dogs trailer gets brutal

Sleeping Dogs is shaping up into one decent looking game. We were impressed by footage of the game released in March and the latest trailer for Square Enix’s action has got us even more excited. The footage shows off Sleeping Dogs combat system which looks like it will work [...]

Square Enix to announce new game today

According to a post on Siliconera, Square Enix will be announcing a new game today. The post says: “We have a treat for Siliconera readers this week with news about an unannounced Square Enix game. I can’t say anymore for the moment other than this will be a Siliconera exclusive and the game will surprise [...]

Theatrhythm and Heroes of Ruin dated

Square Enix has confirmed the release date for two of its biggest 3DS games this year. Heroes of Ruin will come out on June 15 (EU), with Americans only having to wait a single day to get their hands on the top-down action [...]

Richie Branson tells Square Enix what to do

Musician Richie Branson, who shouldn’t be confused [...]

Army Corps of Hell free pumpkin set

Square Enix are offering Army Corps of Hell fans a free Pumpkin head for their soldiers. It seems that they missed the memo on October the 31st being Halloween and all. To download the DLC just follow this set of official [...]

Square Enix Xbox Live sale

Square Enix have slashed the prices on a whole load of games and DLC on Xbox Live. All you bargain hunters need to be quick though, the sale ends on the 15th of this [...]