Posts Tagged ‘Vita’


Mortal Kombat on the Vita, new modes and features

In an interview on GameTrailers with Hans Lo, Senior Producer at Netherrealm Studios, for Mortal Kombat on the PSVita at this year’s GDC [...]

WipeOut 2048

Review: Wipeout 2048

In order to welcome Sony’s latest handheld power house onto the consumer market, it only seems right that Studio Liverpool’s latest iteration of the classic Wipeout franchise arrives at the Vita’s side. Since the days of the original PlayStation Wipeout has enthralled speed junkies across every generation of Sony consoles, but does the [...]


American PSN store now open to all

An electronics supplier in the US seems to have found a way to make the PlayStation Store available to users around the globe through online sales, something oversea PlayStation 3, [...]


Black Ops 2 inbound for PS Vita?

In a recent video interview with GameTrailers, Sony’s SVP of Playstation Brand Marketing, Guy Longworth confirmed the release of an upcoming Call of Duty title on the Vita. Longworth claimed that it was going to be released [...]


Vita accesories priced

Vita has just had its accessories priced via the Sony Europe Blog and it isn’t a cheap affair either. Uncharted: Golden Abyss, one of the better launch games will set you back a whopping £44.99. That’s more than several PS3 games release RRP.The Sony Vita is set to launch in the US and EU on February the 22nd and as much as we don’t [...]

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