The poster which you can spot below has been making its rounds on the internet. The image shows a poster for what is apparently promotional material for a new Call of Duty: Black Ops game. The poster has the date 05/02/12, so watch [...]
Posts Tagged ‘Call of duty’

BAFTA interview – Michael Condrey (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3)

Modern Warfare 3 was up for Action, Audio Achievement, Online-Multiplayer and GAME Award 2011. It didn’t [...]

Black Ops 2 evidence builds

It comes as no surprise that we’ll be seeing a new Call of Duty Title this year, this was confirmed by Activision earlier this month though recent developments have revealed more on this topic. The production company recently registered a domain name and furthermore an [...]

Black Ops 2 inbound for PS Vita?

In a recent video interview with GameTrailers, Sony’s SVP of Playstation Brand Marketing, Guy Longworth confirmed the release of an upcoming Call of Duty title on the Vita. Longworth claimed that it was going to be released [...]

Sledgehammer Games hiring for new COD game

A new advertisement for Sledgehammer Games has asked for “top talent for our [Sledeghammer Games] [...]

Keith Vaz attacks Modern Warfare 3

Today Keith Vaz launched his latest attack on video games. Today he raised an Early Daily Motion (EDM) urging members of Parliament to assess Modern Warfare 3′s classification sating the following: “That this House is deeply concerned about the recently released video game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, in which players engage in gratuitous [...]

REVIEW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

As arguably the most anticipated release of 2011, modern warfare 3 has launched to unprecedented financial success, raking in over 400 million dollars in [...]

Opinion: The Casual Gaming problem

Alright before I start I know this might sound very opinionated of me, but I bet a number of you reading this would think the same after you read this. This is something I’m finally glad to get off my chest as it has been bothering me for many years. I use the term “casual [...]

Opinion: My love-hate relationship with games

To start, I want to clarify that I do love these games. I am aiming to show you why it is a good thing that even the best games have flaws. Whether they have characters that are so two-dimensional, their personality resembles nothing more than a potato; or the guns shoot out marshmallows at raging ravenous zombies (metaphorically – that would be hilarious). Their flawscan even make them more loveable. If you don’t believe me then I’ll lay out some examples.