Mock-up images of Battlefield 3′s iconic cover have been circulating for quite some time now, though one image of a dinosaur has caused a stir ever since it was released online, with several fans asking for some kind of mode [...]
Posts Tagged ‘Battlefield 3’

BAFTA interview – Colin Blackwood (Battlefield 3)

Battlefield 3 won two awards of the night and managed to come out with the only one that is voted for by the public – The GAME Award of 2011. They also picked up a BAFTA for the best Audio in a game. While the members of DICE [...]

BF3: Back to Karkand released

Yesterday morning, DICE released the first DLC for Battlefield 3 on Xbox 360 and PC. PS3 users have been enjoying the new additions to the FPS for a week now, and now anyone can buy and download Back to Karkand. If you haven’t done so already and you’re a fan of Battlefield and have been [...]

Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand Release Date

The Asian Playstation store has revealed a date for release of the Back to Karkand expansion pack for Battlefield 3. December 7th is the day you Battlefield fans should be marking in your calendar, if you live in Asia. It can be predicted that a US and European release will be around the same time [...]

Battlefield 3 banned in Iran

Battlefield 3 has been on shelves for a month now, and it has seen a great amount of success in the West. In the game a realistic scenario is created in an urban Iranian setting, featuring the landmark Grand Bazaar. Due to this, the Iranian government announced the ban of Battlefield 3. It is fairly [...]

REVIEW: Battlefield 3

The newest addition to EA’s FPS war game series, Battlefield 3, has been on shelves for a week now. Already the sales are racking up at 10 million units; making the game EA’s fastest selling game to date. I’ve not been a religious follower of the series, but I do own Battlefield 1943 and Battlefield Bad Company 2. As soon as I saw the news of the record sales I was excited to find out exactly what sets out Battlefield 3 from the crowd.The campaign is set in the not too distant[...]

The ultimate Battlefield 3 experience

Anyone that watches Channel 5′s, ‘The Gadget Show’ will have witnessed the most immersive form of gaming when it aired on Monday. Using several motion tracking devices including Kinect sensors, five HD projectors and a specially designed treadmill, they created the ultimate gaming room. The Gadget Show’s room was designed so that players could actually [...]

Price Wars: Get Battlefield 3 for just £2.99

With Battlefield 3′s UK release just around the corner the price wars have begun. Retailers have slashed the RRP and are offering Dice’s FPS for as low as £2.99 (with a selected trade in). We’ve even got a list of the best prices for purchasing the game with only cold-hard cash. So if you want to grab yourself a bargain, take a look at our rundown of the best deals on XbigyGames.

Opinion: My love-hate relationship with games

To start, I want to clarify that I do love these games. I am aiming to show you why it is a good thing that even the best games have flaws. Whether they have characters that are so two-dimensional, their personality resembles nothing more than a potato; or the guns shoot out marshmallows at raging ravenous zombies (metaphorically – that would be hilarious). Their flawscan even make them more loveable. If you don’t believe me then I’ll lay out some examples.

Today’s News: GameCity 6, Christmas number 1 place heats up and more…

GameCity 6: Tonight in Nottingham, England for 6th year running a video game festival will be opening until this Saturday. Last year, GameCity gathered a record holding 45,000 attendees who enjoyed a range of showcases, talks and events in Nottingham’s best public venues. The exciting events arranged for this year’s festival include but are not [...]