Mock-up images of Battlefield 3′s iconic cover have been circulating for quite some time now, though one image of a dinosaur has caused a stir ever since it was released online, with several fans asking for some kind of mode that incorporates Battlefield and dinosaurs. EA’s has since commented on the matter, leaving fans hopeful.
For a while images and talk of these pre-historic creatures appearance in Battlefield 3 circulated the internet with no comment from EA. That is until yesterday where EA’s community manager :
“ No, at this time there is no word on a dinosaur DLC. Would you like one? And if so, would it be humans vs. dinosaurs? ^KB”
This topic then starting picking up steam and several fans then posted up support for zamielk’s new idea. The idea was then submitted on Reddit and began to gather even more steam. EA’s community manager then commented on the Reddit post:
“Glad to see the enthusiasm.
Really, though, if this is something you guys want the best way to go about it is to try to get #BF3Dinos off the ground on Twitter.
If that shit trends it’s pretty hard to ignore.”
Putting dinosaurs in Battlefield 3 would be a massive move that would completely change the game. We could see a new survival style mode working though, and with the success of the Call of Duty zombie modes it seems that this style of game sells too. The question is – Will we be able to mount a T-Rex?